How do i get in direct contact with LivingZtyle.com?

Our in-store chat is currently no longer being managed. We can however, still assist you with product information and sales assistance.

Do you provide International delivery?

Currently we are only able to offer delivery within the UK, but as we grow, we may be able to expand this area. Our delivery is priced by two zones that can be selected at Checkout, as follows:

Zone 1: UK Mainland

Zone 2: Scotland & Wales

How will my product be delivered?

We use a range of courier delivery services to keep your costs to a minimum. The delivery service is chosen depending on the specifics of your order e.g. size, weight.

 All of our services will require a signature on receipt, so please ensure that someone is available at the delivery address on the confirmed day of delivery to sign for the product. Any charges for missed deliveries will be the customer’s responsibility.

Depending on the service, the courier may offer you a confirmed time slot for the delivery day. You will be able to check this by using the ‘track my order’ service on the courier’s website.

You will receive a packing confirmation from us when your order is being prepared for dispatch and will be handed over to the courier within 48 hours of this email. This email will contain your tracking reference number.

Delivery charges will be calculated at checkout and added to your order depending on your postal code for delivery.

Please click here for more information on our delivery processes and Terms & Conditions.

How long until my product arrives?

The delivery times of all of our products vary. This is because only some products are items that we hold in stock. The product page will give you specific lead times on each product and tell you if it is a stock item.

Items that we hold in stock will be dispatched within three working days of your order being completed and will usually be delivered within four working days of dispatch.

Items that we do not hold in stock are made to order and can take between 6-12 weeks to arrive. Products that are not in stock are put into production by the manufacturer within seven days of your order. 

We will notify you of the anticipated ‘week-commencing’ delivery date in advance of delivery, as soon as we have this confirmed by the manufacturer. We will then be in contact again when your order is being packed for shipping. The courier will then notify you of the specific time / date of your delivery. 

Please click here for more information on our delivery processes and Terms & Conditions. 

How do I track my order?

You will receive confirmation from us when your order has been scheduled with the courier and this will contain your tracking reference number. Depending on the service, the courier may offer you a confirmed time slot for your delivery day. If available from our courier partners, we will send you a tracking code, with a link to our courier partners website.

Can I cancel my order?

Stock items can be cancelled up until the date of dispatch. As this date will vary by product please contact us using the ‘Contact’ form or email us at sales@livingztyle.com immediately if you wish to cancel, to give us the best chance of cancelling before dispatch. Once stock items have been dispatched, you will need to follow the steps outlined in the ‘How do I return an item?’ section below.

Pre-Orders can only be cancelled before they are put into production with our manufacturers. If the product is already in production you will need to await delivery and then follow the steps outlined in the ‘How do I return an item?’ section below. As with in stock items, please contact us immediately if you wish to cancel.

Please click here for more information and Terms & Conditions. 

What is your returns policy?

We offer a 14 day returns policy to all of our customers. We understand that in the world of online shopping, as good as descriptions and photographs can be, the product may not always be exactly what you are looking for when it turns up. The cost of the return postage is however the responsibility of the customer.

Should there be a need for you to return the item, please ensure that the item is returned with all of the original fittings and packaging and with all of the product paperwork. As we cannot re-sell the product without these items, if they are not returned with the product this may affect the value of the refund that we are able to offer you. 

On receipt of the product it is the customer’s responsibility to check the product for damage and to ensure that the delivery is signed for as damaged at the time of delivery if this is the case. This will then be reported to us by our courier and we will happily arrange a replacement order. Please see ‘Replacement Orders’ section below. 

We would ask that you take photos of any damage at the time and send them to us. Please see ‘How do I return an item?’ section below.​

Please click here for more information on our Returns Policy. 

How do I return an item?

If you wish to return an item in accordance with the returns policy outlined in the ‘What is your returns policy?’ section above, please follow the below steps depending on the reason for return: 

Unwanted / unsuitable item

  • Contact us within 14 days to confirm that the item is to be returned because it is unwanted or unsuitable
  • Re-pack all parts of the item in original packaging and ensure adequately protected
  • We suggest you take photos of the re-packaged item for your own reference in case the product is damaged during transportation
  • Ensure original paperwork e.g. order confirmation/dispatch note, care and/or assembly instructions, warranties/guarantees are packed with the product
  • Ensure original fittings and fixings e.g. screws, bolts, washers, hand tools supplied etc are packed with the product
  • Ensure all fire labels are intact, legible and attached to the product where relevant
  • Arrange suitable courier to collect your item and provide tracking information so we can ensure it is met at the other end
  • We suggest you use a tracked / signed for service as the customer is responsible for successful return delivery
  • LivingZtyle.com will process your refund of the full product value, excluding delivery charges within three working days of receipt of the returned product

Damaged item

  • Take photos of damage at time of delivery
  • Sign for the delivery as a damaged item to ensure the courier has record of this and can provide this to us
  • Contact us using the contact form or email us at sales@livingztyle.com within 24 hours of delivery to confirm that the item was damaged on delivery and provide photos taken at time of delivery
  • Re-pack all parts of the item in original packaging and ensure adequately protected
  • Ensure original paperwork e.g. order confirmation/dispatch note, care and/or assembly instructions, warranties/guarantees are packed with the product
  • Ensure original fittings and fixings e.g. screws, bolts, washers, hand tools supplied etc are packed with the product
  • Ensure all fire labels are intact, legible and attached to the product where relevant
  • We will arrange for a suitable courier to collect your item and return it to us
  • Ensure that someone is at the collection address on the day of collection as any charges for missed collections and rescheduling will be the customer’s responsibility
  • Livingztyle.com will arrange a replacement product and contact you to confirm delivery timescales 

Should you decide on receipt of a damaged item that you would not like a replacement item and would like a refund instead, it is the customer’s responsibility to arrange and pay for the return delivery. 

Order Delivered With No One at Home 

Please note that we will always make every effort to be on time with our deliveries.

All we ask from you is to be home and be in a position to sign for the product/s and confirm that everything has arrived as expected.

In most cases, depending on the size of the product and location of your home/room, we have 2 porters to deliver the order.  We will even bring the order into your home and place them into the room that you require and remove the packaging if you are confident that the products will not be returned.  If you are unsure, you will need to retain the packaging.

Please note that during the pandemic, it may not be possible to enter your home, but our team will have gloves, face-masks and will remove their shoes on entry into your home.  All doors and handles will be wiped down with anti-bacterial wipes afterwards. 

If there is anything you are not sure about, please feel confident to tell us and we will change the approach of the delivery – we will do everything we can to assist you and ensure you are happy.

We will do all we can for you, so please be there at the agreed time for the delivery – we will give you a 2-hour slot and if we are running late for any reason, we will let you know in advance.  You will be given the name of the team leader and contact details of our team in the warehouse.

You will witness the voices, faces and names of the team working for you, which will be a great experience like the old days.

If you can unfortunately not take the delivery, we will return the order to our warehouse in Buckinghamshire.

Unfortunately however, we will not be able to deliver it again at cost.  Please note that our delivery costs have all be subsidised and the return delivery will be carried out by Parcelforce and the costs will be passed on to you.

You will not receive the same quality of delivery, which is why it is important that you help us make sure you have a great experience with our in-house friendly team.

I can promise you, you will be pleased you did your part to assist us in making this great!


Please click here for more information on our Returns Policy.